How can you send tips?

What a great question!!! As a performer, a lot of the income we make is off tips. Since Covid-19, it is more commonplace to send money through payment apps. It also makes it so much easier than carrying cash and also gives people an option if they’d like to support from afar. Below are several options that you can use if you’d like to send tips. Most people ask me “Do you have a preference?” And the answer is no! Whatever works best for you, works for me. It all spends the same and taxes have to get paid regardless!

You’re just full of great questions! Customary tip amount is around $10 per person but here’s a little guidance in case you’re not sure

$5 per person = “Thanks!”
$10 per person = “Whoa, this is awesome!”
$20+ per person = “Holy shit, my life is changed for forever!”

Click on any of the links below.
Thank you so much for your generosity!